Happy Easter Everyone!

Today is Easter Sunday. Funny how expectations are never quite realized when somewhere unfamiliar. I'm not sure exactly what I expected when we walked into church this morning... a typical experience back home would have been a profusion of pastel and bright springime colors in the clothing of the congregation... maybe a few hats here and there... and certainly a church packed to capacity with many people who only attend church on holidays. Not so here. It's still cold so I had on my dreary looking black down coat and so did everyone else. The few people in church today had on just regular clothes, some had on blue jeans, just nothing special. Somehow it didn't even seem like Easter.
So we did our Sunday routine... to the coffee shop on the corner for a cafe au lait and croissants... then a walk through the art market... and on to the vegetable market. Then home for a lunch of fresh baguettes, cheese and fruit. Just like any other Sunday.... but this is a special Sunday... It's Easter Sunday. Joyeuses Paques!

Scimus Christum surrexisse a mortuis vere !
We know that Christ has really risen from dead!
Nous savons que le Christ est vraiment ressuscité d'entre les morts !
( Victimae paschali laudes )
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