Sunday, October 30, 2005

à l'heure d'hiver

Some things just never change. When Katie was in kindgergarten she kept a journal for her class. We were a bit embarrased when she wrote an entry about when we got to church that previous Sunday morning and we were late - church had already started. We wondered what was going on when one of us remembered that Daylight Savings Time had ended and we forgot all about it. Without fail (and without planning) this event played out year after year. We never could/did remember to set the clocks back/forward, whatever.

This morning Paul and I walked over to the church near our house, walked in, and nobody was in there. We weren't early.... when, "ah, ha!" It must be the end of daylight savings time. I said... "How could we have missed it?" Paul replied, "What do they call it?"

We came home, waited an hour, ate some french bread and delicious cheese and went back. We "missed it" because we didn't know that it was called à l'heure d'hiver, or what it meant.

This is a four-day weekend. Tuesday is All-Saints Day (toussaint) and there would be no point in going to work on Monday, only to have Tuesday off for the holiday, so work on Monday is called off. Hence, the four-day weekend. If you don't get enough time off with that little break, not to worry, November 11 is just around the corner and they celebrate that here too.


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