Monday, October 24, 2005

World Series pride

It's hard to be excited about the home team (the Astros) when in a foreign country... well, actually, it's easy to be excited but not-so-easy to show it. The other day after the Astros won the pennant, I was wondering how I could show my Astro pride when...

Today in french class, we were discussing "playing" ... jouer a... and jouer de.... and one of the new Japanese students didn't understand the difference and so the teacher was trying (en francais) to explain about playing on a team. When her attempts to use O.L. (Olympic Lyonnaise - the local - big deal - soccer team) as an example failed. She decided then to take a different approach... use American teams, because (I'm sure she thought) everyone at least knows some American teams. So she said, (en francais, remember) "Well, like in America, you have the NBA... do you understand the NBA?" The Japanese guy said yes. OK, so far so good. She she asked me to name an NBA team and as I was thinking in my mind "OK, they probably never heard of the Rockets... what team should I say?... Lakers? Magic?..." OOPS TOO SLOW KAREN. (I need that PAUSE button.)

Teacher then says... "You know, the Red Sox." So I quickly shook my head NO! She said, "OK, right, a football team... you know, the Red Sox."

So much for Astro pride.

Sorry 'bout that Boston! (At least they know your team's name.)


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