If its Tuesday it must be a Greve
grève Noun, feminine (a) strike; se mettre en ~ to (go on) strike; en ~ person on strike, striking factory; ~ de la faim hunger strike; ~ de solidarité sympathy strike; ~ sur le tas sit-down strike
Here we go again ....
As I was checking email this afternoon, I heard chanting coming from the street below my window. "I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter." Oh ... right ... today is Tuesday ... the 'official' day of protests in France. And why is it always in the street in front of my place? Is it the 'official' protest route?
I don’t really know what the French people are upset about now. I saw a sign that had OCT on it, or CCT or maybe it was GCT. My eyes are pretty bad, and I wouldn’t know what it meant anyway. It’s bad enough that I don’t speak their language and am therefore in the dark most of the time, but then they use alphabet soup to name things and that makes me even more clueless. At least I can look up real words in the dictionary.
Well, maybe you will see it on the nightly news and you can fill me in.
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