Monday, June 12, 2006

a hero at work

 At work on Thursday, an email went out to all employees begging for someone to ‘give up their weekend’ and go to Paris to man a trade booth at some kind of grown-up “science fair”. Seems the company had committed for someone from the research center to be there, but then they couldn’t find anyone who would go. I got a call late in the afternoon wondering if we should bite on the offer. After learning that all expenses would be paid for the sucker who took on the task and his spouse, I said, “Hell yeah, we’ll go!”

So we took the train on Friday evening and arrived in Paris about two hours later. On Saturday morning Paul did exactly as he was told… go to this exhibition place … talk to people who come by the booth … and after putting in an appearance (which means about 3 hours) then leave. He followed the instructions exactly as I walked around the streets of Paris and did some shopping.

He returned around mid-afternoon and the we struck out for seeing the sights of the city. I had brought my ipod loaded with the Historic Paris walking tour that I downloaded before we left for the trip. So … we followed the walking tour and did lots of additional walking around to see the city before going out to dinner.

Sunday was a repeat of the day before. Late in the afternoon we returned home on the train … and Paul was a hero. Posted by Picasa


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