Monday, June 27, 2005

a busy, busy weekend

We started the weekend off by stopping by the bank to open an account for Jeffrey. He needed a way to pay for things and the preferred way is by using something they call..... hint: it has a color... and it is a card....... the BLUE CARD. The closest thing to this in the states is a debit card. So he didn't need checks or anything, just a simple account with a blue card. We thought it would just take about half an hour to set it up. But of course, nothing is simple.... we were at the bank for over an hour. I counted the number of times Jeffrey signed his name.... 9. Nine times!

So after the trip to the bank, we went to the museum to see an exhibit. The thesis behind this exhibit was that early films used subject matter that was also used by the impressionist artists.
Since Jeffrey is a film buff, and it is his major, I thought he would enjoy seeing the exhibit. Also of interest, the Lumiere brothers, the guys who actually "invented" moving pictures, are from here.

So anyway, we went to this museum and I was first impressed by the low price of the tickets. But when we got inside and saw the exhibit, I was amazed! There were painings by all the great impressionist artists - Monet, Cezanne, Renoir, Pissaro, drawings by Toulouse-Lautrec, etc etc. and I wasn't in the Louvre in Paris fighting the crowds! It was an unbelievable exhibit with an unbelievable collection of great works. wow again.

Here's the link to the museum (it's worth seeing even if you don't read French).


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