we're back

When we left for Belgium, our friends said to bring a coat and an umbrella because the weather would be bad. It was cold and windy, but not rainy. We were prepared. So off we went… we took the train to Paris then transferred to another station and another train for the trip to Brussels.
We didn’t plan on doing a lot... we just wanted to hang out and enjoy the city. We did a lot of walking. In fact, I found an audio tour on the Internet that was in English and had rave reviews. We went to the tourist office to rent the tour and they gave us each an ipod and headphones. That was pretty cool.
We went to the flea market too. It was quite interesting with lots of “fleas”. I got pretty good at talking down the prices of the few things we bought. There were some really strange things being sold there at that flea market. After that, we walked to another part of town and went to the antiques market where the goods were not so bizarre.
We drank a lot of coffee in sidewalk cafes and watched the world go by. We ate mussels and pita poulet and fried fish and quite a few waffles. We went to Bruges (a really beautiful city). And then we came home.

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