the sounds of warmer weather

It is now “open the window” weather. Mornings are quite chilly but it warms up during the day and we can keep the windows open. I had forgotten about all the outdoor sounds that I used to hear last summer. I once wrote a blog about the new and different sounds coming from outside my kitchen window. When I wrote that blog and Paul read it, he remarked, “but you left out the best sound of all ... the coo coo clock!” I had indeed forgotten to mention the sound of the clock but then I didn’t bother to go back and add it to the list of unusual sounds. We really didn’t know who owned a coo coo clock, or where exactly the sound was coming from, but over time, it became familiar and comforting.
The cold of winter was soon upon us and we started keeping the windows shut tight. We kept out the cold but we also kept out the sounds. One night, we were having dinner with our neighbor, Marie-Christiene. Amid the lively conversation of the evening, coming from a back room, I heard it… coo coo... coo coo ... coo coo ... My eyes met Paul’s as we both said to M-C, “Ah ha, it is YOUR clock that we have been hearing all this time!” We all had a good laugh and we enjoyed hearing the familiar sound again that night as we shared a very nice dinner at her place.
So ... yesterday ... I was in my kitchen fixing dinner ... the windows were open ... and there it was again ... coo coo ... coo coo ... the sound of Marie-Christiene’s clock.

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