Sunday, March 26, 2006


We were going to church this morning and as we were standing waiting for the Metro, Paul told me of an incident he witnessed in Paris last week. As he was passing the vending machine for tickets, he saw a man standing there trying to buy a ticket. As Paul went by him, he heard the man say (in English) “Ok Joe, what did you do wrong?” We chuckled about how being clueless has become a way of life for us.

We got on the metro and commented that there seemed to be more people riding today than usual. We got to church and something strange was going on. We were handed a paper that said “recollection”, whatever that is. OK, so we thought we would just wait it out to see what was happening. I suggested that maybe daylight savings had happened and we didn’t know it. Paul said, ‘no way’.

Finally, we decided that if we didn’t recognize what was happening after about an hour, we would call it “church” and leave. So... we left.

We noticed that the restaurants were opening early... we noticed more people were on the street... Uh oh.. Maybe IT IS an hour later. We walked through art/craft market and the crafty clocks said it was an hour later. Merde!! Encore!

Huere d’ete begins one week earlier here than in the states.

Yeah, clueless is a way of life.


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