Tuesday, March 14, 2006

excused or unexcused absence

Paul was sick, very sick with the flu. He didn't go to work during most of last week. He tried to call the doctor but when he did, there was a recording that said something really fast and then the voice started rattling off a bunch of numbers. On a good day, when he is feeling well, it would be a challenge to understand, but when your temperature is way above normal.... well... he just hung up and rolled over.

He finally returned to work only to be asked for his 'excuse'. They wanted him to provide a doctor's note saying that he really was sick. (He was sniffling and coughing... it's not like they didn't beleive him!). And if he couldn't produce the note, the days that he was gone would be counted as vacation days. He was a bit miffed that this was the first time he heard of this policy... maybe it was in the employee handbook written in French (of course) that he reads every night.

Anyway, he finally got in touch with the doctor. He then took off ANOTHER day to go see the doctor to get his excuse. When he brought the note back to work, they were surprised that the doctor gave him the note! They asked if he 'knew the doctor well' or had 'pulled some strings'. (It's enough to make anyone sick!)


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